
Disease Trend Ranking in MDV Data (2022)

1. What Kind of Information is included in MDV Database?

MDV database contains medical treatment, disease, and partial blood test results information allowing different analyses by pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, academia, research institutions, and health insurance companies.
Within the disease information, data such as ICD10 (International Classification of Diseases 10th Edition (2013)) codes and names are available enabling quick analysis of target patient population based on disease definition.

2. Disease Trend Ranking in MDV Data (January 2022- December 2022)

MDV Database contains more than 50 million patient data from 550 hospitals in Japan:

NoICD 10 CodeICD 10 Category NameNumber of Patients
1I10Essential (primary) hypertension2,455,410
2K21Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease1,824,161
3E78Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias1,783,087
4K59Other functional intestinal disorders1,704,380
5K29Gastritis and duodenitis1,464,548
7E11Type 2 diabetes mellitus1,167,789
8G47Sleep disorders1,097,019
9I50Heart failure1,036,526
10H52Disorders of refraction and accommodation918,620
11K25Gastric ulcer891,493
12E14Unspecified diabetes mellitus861,632
13D50Iron deficiency anaemia761,131
14J30Vasomotor and allergic rhinitis732,508
15L85Other epidermal thickening732,149
16I20Angina pectoris729,085
17M81Osteoporosis without pathological fracture714,107
18L30Other dermatitis709,253
19U07Emergency use of U07683,027
20E86Volume depletion642,779

Despite the fact that MDV Database collects the data from advanced/acute care denominated hospitals, we can clearly observe that the list of most frequently reported diseases also contains chronic conditions seen in outpatient setting.
Users can also access medical treatment and blood test results and by combining those information, they should be able to compile a more comprehensive analysis.

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