The patient-level data provision service includes the following categories 1) Data-set Provision service, 2) All Therapeutic Area Provision service, and 3) Specific Therapeutic Area Provision service.
Ad Hoc data provision service
Data-set Provision is specifically dedicated to research purpose. MDV will proceed with the data extraction from the core database according to criteria and conditions set forth in the research project, and deliver the data under the MDV format within a specific timeframe.
Annual data provision service
MDV can grant access to data assuming a one-year contract. During this one-year period, monthly updates are available and will be provided in the same format as for the Ad Hoc data provision service.
Service where all of MDV data that can be provided will be contracted for a year based on the specific therapeutic area. Please contact us if in case you are considering multiple areas.
Data Image 1: Disease/Medical Treatment Information