
Hospital Data [Actual number of patients: 44.25 million]

Actual patient count trends

MDV Data Report

Every month, this section provides various insight based on MDV data.

1)-1:Actual number of patients by sex and age(overall and by inpatient and outpatient) as of May 2023, month on month, year on year
Inpatient Actual number of patients by age in March 2023 within this aggregate period(segmented by 5 years) Outpatient Actual number of outpatients by age in March 2023 within this aggregate period ( segmented by 5 years)
Changes in the number of actual patients by inpatient and outpatient within the target facilities during the period covered by this aggregation
1)-2:Drug sales ranking in the latest MDV data(data updated monthly) March 2023,Year-to-Year and 12-Month MAT
2):Topic of the Month - based on MDV data Number and age distribution of patients seen for influenza by month before and after new coronavirus infection(COVID-19(January 2019 - March 2023)
Figure 2-1:Number of patients seen by age by gender for influenza in January 2019
Figure 2-2:Number of patients seen by age by gender for influenza in January 2023