Management Team
Hiroyuki Iwasaki

MDV’s founder, Mr. Iwasaki was appointed Representative Director on the establishment of the Company in August 2003 and has been President since September 2014. He has been leading the Company, a pioneer in the utilization of medical data, with his continuous forward-looking management strategy and strong leadership. With the aim of improving the quality of medecine and healthcare and creating merits for people’s daily lives, he has developed the Company into one that owns one of the largest medical databases in Japan.
He concurrently serves as Director at the following subsidiaries: Doctorbook Inc. (since January 2017), AIR BIOS Inc. (since February 2022), and SENSING Co., Ltd. (since February 2023).
Syuuji Asami
Senior Managing Director, General Manager of User Support Division

A founding member of the Company, Mr. Asami was appointed Director on the establishment of the Company in August 2003 and has been serving as Senior Managing Director since October 2004. Prior to the establishment of MDV, Mr. Asami gained experience as President and Representative Director of financial and system companies and using the expertise and abundant experience he gained in these positions, he has led the expansion of the business he established alongside Mr. Iwasaki. As the General Manager of the User Support Division, he is responsible for building and maintaining links with customers.
Takuji Yanagisawa
Director, General Manager of the Business Planning Division (and) General Manager of the President’s Office (and) General Manager of the Web Marketing Office

Mr. Yanagisawa joined MDV in October 2006 and has been serving as Director since July 2008. Since joining the company, he has contributed to the growth of the Group with his abundant working experience and deep knowledge of business operations and administration in the Company through his tenure at the Administration and Sales Divisions.
Currently, as General Manager of the Business Planning Division (and) General Manager of the President's Office (and) General Manager of the Web Marketing Office, I am in charge of planning and formulating new services, with a focus on the PHR service “karteco”.
Masaki Nakamura
Director, General Manager of Sales Division

Mr. Nakamura joined the Company in October 2007 and has served as Director since March 2018. After joining the Company, he was engaged in the EBM business and contributed to the expansion and promotion of data utilization services. Consequently, he made a significant contribution to the expansion of new services utilizing the Company’s data at MDV Trial Co., Ltd.
Currently, as the officer in charge of the EBM Division, Sales Division, and Data Network Planning Division, he is promoting the business decisively and swiftly.
He also serves as Director of the following subsidiary: Medical Domain Inc. (since January 2021).
Souichi Katsuki
Outside Director

Mr. Katsuki has been serving as Outside Director since March 2016. He has been providing advice on the Group’s management and supervising business operations from a practical and multifaceted perspective based on his deep insight cultivated through his years of corporate management in the service industry, including at Tokyu Department Store Co., Ltd. And Gurunavi, Inc.
He concurrently occupies other key positions at the following companies: Outside Director, Cocorport Inc. (since May 2021).
Takao Nakamura
Outside Director

Mr. Nakamura has been serving as Outside Director since March 2019. Hailing from the Bank of Japan, he has been providing advice on the Group’s management and appropriately supervising business operations from a practical and multifaceted perspective based on his abundant experience cultivated through corporate management as Representative Director at companies including Digital Garage, Inc. and Infoseek Japan K.K. (Later renamed Rakuten Group, Inc.) and his deep insight as a lawyer.
He concurrently occupies other key positions at the following companies: Partner Lawyer, Wadakura Gate Law Office (since January 2016), Outside Director, Outside Director, Matsuya Co., Ltd. (since May 2022), and Outside Director, Lightblue Co., Ltd. (since May 2024).
Yuko Kato
Outside Director

Ms. Kato has been serving as Outside Director since March 2025.
She has been providing advice on the Group’s management and supervise the execution of business operations based on her expertise and experience as a physician and her deep insight into the medical industry.
She concurrently occupies other key positions at the following companies: Director, Cardiovascular Medicine Department, The Cardiovascular Institute Hospital (since April 2018).
Corporate Governance
Corporate GovernanceIR and Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy
Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd.’s (hereafter MDV) basic policy is to provide information to shareholders and investors on its management policies, business strategies, earnings, and financial situation in an easy-to-understand, fair, and accurate manner. It believes it is also essential to make timely and appropriate information disclosures and explanations from a corporate governance perspective and sees this as its duty as a listed company. Based on these principles, it maintains proactive IR activities with the aim of securing the trust of its shareholders and investors.
Standards for Information Disclosure
Disclosure of important Information
MDV discloses information in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, including the Companies Act, the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the Rules for Timely Disclosure of Company Information of Listed Securities Issuers (hereinafter referred to as “Timely Disclosure Rules”). It swiftly discloses information on business decisions, accidents, and results that may have an impact on investment views in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Disclosure of optional Information
MDV also discloses information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules which it deems important or beneficial to shareholders’ understanding of the company.
It does not disclose information that infringes rights related to personal data, customer data, or data on related parties.
Disclosure of Information in meetings
In order to maintain fairness in information disclosure, the information MDV discloses in briefings, individual meetings with shareholders and investors, and in response to inquiries is limited to that already announced in the public domain.
Method of Information Disclosure
Information covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules will be swiftly posted on the Company’s corporate website after being registered and made public on the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information not covered by the Timely Disclosure Rules will made more widely available on the Company’s corporate website and through other means.
Information Disclosure Process and IR Structure
The information disclosure process is detailed in the chart below. In addition, MDV conducts dialog (meetings) with investors and shareholders by selecting an executive director to be responsible for investor relations and giving the IR/SR Division responsibility for this area.

Stance on Communication (dialog)
In conjunction with the Timely Disclosure Rules, MDV strives to communicate its business strategies, business details, financial details, and other important business information to shareholders and investors in a fair and easy-to-understand manner by publishing IR tools (including “Results Briefing Materials”, and “Supplementary Briefing Materials”) and extensive materials on its corporate website. In addition, it endeavors to make these documents available in English as soon as possible to meet the needs of overseas investors.
The opinions and evaluations of shareholders and investors are provided to the President and relevant executive directors in a timely manner as feedback to help improve the business.
Forward-looking Statements
In addition to submitting earnings forecasts to the Tokyo Stock Exchange as a listed company, MDV may also provide information on its earnings outlook, plans, and strategies through other means. In all cases, forward-looking statements are based on currently available information and certain reasonable assumptions and take account of risks and uncertainties. As a consequence, actual performance may differ materially from these statements for a variety of reasons.
The Company does not support third-party earnings forecasts, reports, or market rumors and will make no comment on such information.
Quiet Period
MDV designates the period from the day after the end of each quarter to the day of the results announcement as a “Quiet Period” for information pertaining to its results. During this period, it will not respond to inquiries or make any other comments about its results or earnings forecasts. However, it will make timely disclosure in line with the Timely Disclosure Rules during the Quiet Period if it expects significant variance from its earnings forecasts.
During the Quiet Period, the Company will respond to inquiries with information that is already in the public domain. The Quiet Period is designed to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of financial information and to ensure fairness. Your understanding in this matter is appreciated.