Information Security
Basic approach to intellectual property
MDV recognizes that intellectual property rights are important corporate assets, and our basic policy is to protect and effectively make use of those rights. In addition, we will conduct our business activities with the recognition that respect for the intellectual property rights of other companies and individuals and not infringing on those rights are equally important.
Specific action guidelines regarding intellectual property
Acquiring, protecting and making use of our intellectual property rights
- We recognize that the MDV Group’s intellectual property is an important corporate asset and a competitive advantage. We maintain and manage intellectual property rights appropriately so that they can be protected and used effectively.
- In regard to advanced and creative technologies and products that are the result of the MDV Group’s research and development, we proactively acquire intellectual property rights, including patents, and work to protect such rights and make full use of such intellectual property throughout the Group.
- The MDV Group compiles information on intellectual property rights generated by all Group companies, and strives to understand and make use of Group intellectual property rights. At the same time, we exercise appropriate and legitimate rights to counter infringements by third parties.
Respect for the intellectual property rights of other companies and individuals
- When researching and developing new products and technologies, we investigate whether we are infringing on the intellectual property rights of other companies and strive to ensure that we do not infringe on such rights.
- We use intellectual property rights legally acquired from other companies only within the contractually stipulated scope of use, and we do not engage in acts that infringe on the rights of others, such as illegally copying software.