MDV Expansion in the field of Health Insurance Claim data: A Key Step to Provide More Flexibility and Greater Insight into the Patients’ Journey from Hospitals to Local Clinics
- June 15, 2020
Tokyo, Japan, April 22, 2020 – Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd. ([“MDV”]) (Location: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, President: Hiroyuki Iwasaki), announced the start of its 5.37 million patient health insurance provider data provision to pharmaceutical companies and research institutions as steppingstone for data unification. MDV currently holds a large-scale hospital-based database in Japan, and aims to provide greater flexibility and meet broader needs through its new data.
MDV hospital-based database had been focused on hospital submitted acute hospital data; however, with the introduction on the health insurance association data will supplement information from recovery and chronic phase data. This will enable analysis of treatment patterns across different medical facilities such as middle/small sized hospitals to clinics.
For example, the health insurance association database allows to understand outpatient treatment care that do not require hospitalization care which is commonly seen in modern lifestyle-related diseases or mild backaches. The data is longitudinal data which tracks information between hospitals and clinics if the person is insured by the same insurance association. Moreover, the data format will be same as the current hospital-based data which allows straightforward analysis.
MDV has been accumulating anonymized processed data those were given secondary utilization consent from medical facilities from the start of its medical data services since April 2008. The number of patients within MDV hospital-based database was 30.98* million as of March 2020. The data availability of the health insurance provider data will be between April 2012 and December 2019.
* If the patient is visiting the same medical institution (hospital), the patient will be counted as one patient; however, if one patient is visiting several medical intuitions (hospitals) then that will be double counted in the hospitals-based data.