
“Karteco” received the Innovative Business Model Award at “ASPIC IoT, AI, and Cloud Award 2022,” sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

  • December 8, 2022

Medical Data Vision Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President: Hiroyuki Iwasaki; hereafter “MDV”), a company that promotes the networking of medical information, is pleased to announce that “Karteco,” a PHR (Personal Health Record) system developed and provided by MDV, has won the Innovative Business Model Award in the social industry-specific ASP / SaaS category at “ASPIC IoT, AI, and Cloud Award 2022,” sponsored by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

Comment from President Iwasaki

While nearly 60% of those who have undergone medical checkups have medical findings, using a system that can send e-mails recommending to see a doctor and receive appropriate medical treatment will lead to early detection and treatment of chronic diseases, which in turn will help solve social issues by extending healthy life expectancy and optimizing medical costs. We will continue to expand “Karteco” service to achieve a society in which people can choose their medical care.

About “ASPIC IoT, AI, and Cloud Award”

Japan Cloud Industry Association (ASPIC) awards excellent and socially beneficial services in Japan. This year’s event was the 16th edition since the first one was held in 2006.

What is “Karteco”?

“Karteco” is a web service that allows patients and people who have undergone medical checkups to store their own medical information (names of injuries and diseases, blood test and other results, medications used during medical treatment, prescribed medications, procedures and surgeries, etc.), test images, health checkup information, and view them at any time and from anywhere on smartphones and other devices. The service was launched in June 2015 and the app was released in October 2020. Currently, the system is in operation at 11 hospitals nationwide, with approximately 40,000 users.

“Karteco” introduction video (in Japanese):

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