Business Alliance of MDV with TXP Medical. Using Data to Evaluate New Drug Efficacy
- September 12, 2023
MEDICAL DATA VISION Co., Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President & CEO: Hiroyuki Iwasaki; hereinafter “MDV”), which owns one of the largest medical databases (DB) in Japan, has reached a basic agreement with TXP Medical Co. Ltd. (Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; CEO: Dr. Tomohiro Sonoo), which aims to improve the quality and efficiency of emergency medical care through medical data. Through the business alliance, MDV’s medical care database will be combined with TXP Medical’s database of all medical care fields, including emergency medicine, to support the utilization of data by pharmaceutical companies, academia, and other organizations.
TXP Medical has developed the emergency medical information system “NEXT Stage ER” based on the philosophy of “saving lives with medical data.” It has been introduced in 69 hospitals nationwide (as of August 31, 2023). The company has obtained permission from nearly 40% of these hospitals to use emergency medical data and electronic medical record data for clinical research and clinical trials. This enables data linkage with hospitals with an average of over 700 beds. In addition, a DWH (Data Warehouse), has been built within the hospitals to organize and store large volumes of data in chronological order, making it immediately available for use in data analysis and other applications.
Specifically, through the business alliance, the two companies intend to make joint proposals to provide new value to client companies in the area of data utilization, as well as to propose more efficient operations for clinical trials by utilizing the resources of both companies. “The ‘T-type’ medical database model, which leverages the strengths of MDV and TXP Medical, is the only and ultimate solution for database research,” said TXP Medical President Sonoo.
Image of value creation through business alliance

Based on its open alliance strategy, MDV formed a business alliance with DeNA Inc. in May last year, and by linking the DBs accumulated by the two companies, MDV has built a more robust database for insurers. The health insurance association data were added to the existing DB, and data on National Health Insurance subscribers and the elderly in the later stages of life were also added. As a result, the actual number of patients in the DB that can be utilized is 44.72 million (as of August 31, 2023) for MDV’s existing hospital data and 19.52 million (as of August 31, 2023) for insurers’ data.
MDV Medical Database